We explored for it, discovered it, developed it, produced it, marketed it.
Sure, today they can do the last two processes by themselves, but had we not paid for the first two, they would be as they were before OIL: nomads, roaming over sterile sand ("kings" and "princes" my foot!).
*When I say "we" about finding the oil and developing the extraction and marketing, the "we" includes "me--I." I worked for and with oil companies exploring for petroleum outside of the United States. L.W.
Indiana_jones says in the "Comments" at Jihad Watch:
The only treasure Muslims have is OIL but on second thoughts their intellectual level is so low that unless we had not invented methods to use it and drill it out for use in cars and planes(again ---our inventions) they would have just stayed on top of the OIL without ever realizing its value.
Posted by: Indiana_jones [TypeKey Profile Page] at February 13, 2007 12:43 AM
[end quote]
. . . unless we had not invented methods to use it and drill it out for use in cars and planes(again ---our inventions) they would have just stayed on top of the OIL without ever realizing its value.
An excellent exposition of this is given by "exsgtbrown" also at the same Jihad Watch "Comments:"
........And the Muslims did not discover their oil, It was discovered by an Australian in 1908..back then as it is now.."Persia was devoid of infrastructure and politically unstable."...The Muslims were never stable , being basically a bunch of 7th century nomads and perverts...same as today...nothing has changed...Through the centuries, Muslims never developed a viable social order....their leaders were always the most bloodthirsty and ruthless...Muslims have always been a thrill kill machine....
....Maybe back in 1908 had someone thought to change the social infrastructure and bring the Muslims into the 20th century instead of prioritizing the bringing of oil to the surface, things would be somewhat better today.....
....Muslims have always been a violent people and it is oil that has made them extremely violent.....They have always hated the Jews too...Now the Muslims want no Jews and all the oil....
I found the following info interesting:
"BP originated in the activities of William Knox D'Arcy, an adventurer who had made a fortune in Australian mining. In 1901 D'Arcy secured a concession from the Grand Vizier of Persia (now known as Iran) to explore for petroleum throughout most of his empire. The search for oil proved extremely costly and difficult,
since Persia was devoid of infrastructure and politically unstable.
Within a few years D'Arcy was in need of capital. Eventually, after intercession by members of the British Admiralty, the Burmah Oil Company joined D'Arcy in a Concessionary Oil Syndicate in 1905 and supplied further funds in return for operational control. In May 1908 oil was discovered in the southwest of Persia at Masjid-i-Suleiman, the first oil discovery in the Middle East. The following April the Anglo-Persian Oil Company was formed, with the Burmah Oil Company holding most of the shares."
....And the rest, as they say, is history.....
Posted by: exsgtbrown FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=[TypeKey Profile Page]" at February 13, 2007 07:10 AM
[end quote]
"In 1932, a 37-year-old engineer employed by the Standard Oil Company of California (Socal) made a habit of climbing the highest point on the island of Bahrain, about 20 miles across the Persian Gulf from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. From that hilltop, he stared at the topography of the mainland, over the blue-green waters of the gulf. There, Fred Davies (B.S. ’16), a University of Minnesota graduate in mining, saw a landscape similar to the one that he was standing on. In the distance, he could see a cluster of hills forming a dome above the countryside.
"Davies had just drilled the first successful oil well in Bahrain through similar terrain. Now his training, experience, and inIn stincts told him that there was more oil to be had across the water—much more—in those hills on the other side of the flat shoreline. In fact, he was confident enough in that assessment to advise his employers that they ought to be here, in the heart of Arabia, where no other oil company in the world had yet drilled.
"It is no exaggeration to say that all of the momentous history that has subsequently linked the United States to the Middle East began with that appraisal. From it stemmed a series of events that brought U.S. oil companies to Saudi Arabia to begin extracting the single largest petroleum deposit in the world. From those wells have flowed billions of barrels of oil, trillions of dollars in commerce, and a steady stream of turmoil. "
from Beneath Saudi Sands
By Tim Brady
More about that--lots more--read it at the link given above.
Here are some pictures and some more background as to who found the oil and how the Americans had to grovel before these Sowdi primitives.

Fred Davies (left), chairman of the board at Aramco, with King Ibn Saud (seated) and others in the Aramco dining hall in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. (From the Seal-Aramco Collection of Photographs, Box 1 Folder 4, Georgetown University Library, Special Collections Division, Washington, D.C.)

[wearing Arab garb. Speaking of sucking up to the Sowdis--even if it was for profit.]
In the early 1930s, King Saud was strapped for funds with which to govern his new nation and looked to the West for support through the sale of oil concessions. Historically, Britain had been the one western power that had dominated the pursuit of oil in the Middle East, but its concessions and reserves had come from Iraq and Iran. It had never explored the interior of the Arabian peninsula for oil. Though it seems hard to imagine today, there were questions whether oil even existed beneath these desert lands.
. . . Saudi Arabia was just emerging as a modern nation. The Bedouin tribes, which had dominated the region for centuries, had been consolidated under the leadership of King Ibn Saud and a monarchy, whose territory stretched from the Red Sea in the west to the Persian Gulf in the east, was formed. It was the heart of the ancient land known as Arabia and held the two cities most sacred to Muslims all over the world: Mecca, where the Prophet Muhammad was born; and Medina, where the Prophet had died. Because of its importance as the religious center of Islam, Saudi Arabia was and remains a special land for all the world’s Muslims.
The British were dealing with a number of economic and diplomatic difficulties in the wake of War I. Among them was their effort at maintaining a colonial empire under reduced circumstances. As a nation and economic power, Great Britain simply didn’t have the resources it once had, and the upshot for King Saud was that Britain’s interest in Arab oil exploration was surprisingly tepid.
The United States was a latecomer to the pursuit of Middle Eastern oil, but it jumped into the fray in the late 1920s. Socal had tried, with little success, to find oil in Mexico, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Argentina, the Philippines, and Alaska. Some within the company were less than enthusiastic about the prospects for oil in the Persian Gulf. These same skeptics viewed the exploration in even dimmer light as the Great Depression swept over the globe and a costly hunt for crude in Arabia seemed like an extravagance
Oil seekers within the company won out over its accountants, however, and Socal became the first American oil business to send explorers to the Middle East. Davies was the man picked to lead the crew, and Bahrain was the first site for drilling. After his successes there, Davies crossed into Saudi Arabia with the hope of talking to Ibn Saud about the possibility of exploring that dome of hills near the gulf coast for oil. But he failed to get an audience with the king and headed back to the United States empty-handed.
Ibn Saud’s need for cash remained, British interest in the region’s oil remained cool, and Davies, back in the States, continued to lobby for the exploration of oil in Saudi Arabia. Two new representatives of Socal were sent to the Middle East and won an audience with Saud in 1933. Through these emissaries, Socal was able to sign an agreement to begin the process of looking for oil in eastern Saudi Arabia.
By 1934, Fred Davies was back in Bahrain. A year later, he was in Saudi Arabia, serving as camp boss in the first American effort at digging oil wells in those same hills that he’d spied three years earlier, now called the Damman Dome.
As a nation, Saudi Arabia’s income was derived primarily from Muslim pilgrims making the trip to Mecca. Otherwise, Davies said in an Aramco statement, it was "a nomadic society [dependent] on the scant and uncertain provisions of the desert." The culture was tribal, patriarchal, Islamic, and ancient. According to Davies, it "could not have changed much since the days of the Prophet."
The agreement signed between Socal and the Saudis made patently clear that the Americans were in Arabia at the invitation of the Saudis and would adhere to the customs of the people and the land. That meant, among other restrictions, alcohol was strictly forbidden and consorting in any fashion with the women of Saudi Arabia was a crime punishable by death. In the eyes of the Saudis, the Americans were infidels, working in their lands at their own invitation and for Arab profit.
The Arabian-American Oil Company (Aramco)
Aramco was formed in the late 1940s out of a joining of Socal, Texaco, Exxon, and Mobil. At the time, Davies was asked to step aside from the presidency, which went to a Texaco man. Davies, "a good soldier," in the words of one co-worker, became vice president in charge of operations for Aramco and in 1949 moved back to Dhahran in Saudi Arabia with his wife, Amy, where the two would spend the rest of Davies’s career.
In 1952, the headquarters for Aramco were moved to Saudi Arabia, and Davies, already there and in charge of operations, was named chairman of the board and CEO. Along with the Texaco executive, who remained president of Aramco, Davies worked as a co–chief officer until his retirement in 1959.
from Beneath Saudi Sands
By Tim Brady
[On a personal note: I (Leslie White) met with a Texaco executive and was offered job possibilities in Saudi Arabia (with Aramco) and, when I declined because of the repressive conditions in the oil camps in Arabia (1), exploration opportunities in Turkey. I refused to consider these possible positions because I did not want to work nor set foot in any Islamic country. This was some time ago, so that my aversion to Islam predates the present confrontation with that ideology now again on the war path (jihad).]
1 The agreement signed between Socal and the Saudis made patently clear that the Americans were in Arabia at the invitation of the Saudis and would adhere to the customs of the people and the land. That meant, among other restrictions, alcohol was strictly forbidden and consorting in any fashion with the women of Saudi Arabia was a crime punishable by death. In the eyes of the Saudis, the Americans were infidels, working in their lands at their own invitation and for Arab profit.
NOTE: "a crime punishable by death . . . Americans were infidels . . . " unless you were really greedy for money or strapped for it, you had to be nuts to work under these conditions. Oh, and by the way, if you went outside the American camps, and were seen smoking, any Arab could slap the cigarette out of your mouth with impunity. I know this from personal communication by an American who had worked in Sowdi. lw. And then about "alcohol . . . strictly forbidden," lashes could be given for an infraction, and one British woman--I believe she had been a nurse--was sentenced to a whole shtload of those (sentence never carried out though).
How did "Sa'udi Arabia" get its start? I have bypassed Saudi sources, Aramco sources, and the BBC, because I did not want a fluff job. So, I went to the Jewish Virtual Library, in the belief that the folks there would not embellish the accomplishments of the ruler of Mecca and Medina, the stomping grounds of the greatest enemy the Jews have had since Amalek: Mohammed.
Here's how Saudi got started:
Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal Al Saud (Ibn Saud)
(1880 - 1953)
Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal Al Saud, also known by several abbreviated forms of this name, or simply as Ibn Saud, was first monarch of Saudi Arabia. He was born into the House of Saud (also Sa'ud), which had historically maintained dominion over an area of what was then known as Arabia called Nejd.
He was born in Riyadh. In 1890, at the age of ten, Saud followed his family into exile in Kuwait following the conquering of the family's lands by the Rashidi. He spent the remainder of his childhood in Kuwait as a "penniless exile." [1]
In 1901, at the age of 21, Ibn Saud succeeded his father, Abdul Rahman bin Faisal, to become the leader of the Saud dynasty with the title Sultan of Nejd. It was at this time that he set out to reconquer his family lands from Ibn Rashid in what is now called Saudi Arabia. In 1902, together with a party of relatives and servants, he recaptured Riyadh with only twenty men by assassinating the Rashidi governor of the city. Ibn Saud was considered a "magnetic" leader, and many former supporters of the House of Saud once again rallied to its call following the capture of Riyadh.
For two years following his dramatic capture of Riyadh, Ibn Saud recaptured almost half of Nejd from the Rashidi. In 1904, however, Ibn Rashid appealed to the Ottoman Empire for assistance in defeating the House of Saud. The Ottomans sent troops to Arabia, setting Ibn Saud on the defensive. The armies of the House of Saud suffered a major defeat on June 15, 1904, but his forces soon reconstituted and resumed the offensive as the Turkish troops left the country due to supply problems.
Ibn Saud finally consolidated control over the Nejd in 1912 with the help of an organized and well-trained army. During World War I, the British government attempted to cultivate favor with Ibn Saud, but generally favored his rival Sherif Hussein ibn Ali, leader of Hejaz, whom the Sauds were almost constantly at war with. Despite this, the British entered into a treaty in December of 1915 making the lands of the House of Saud a British protectorate. In exchange, Ibn Saud pledged to again make war against Ibn Rashid, who was an ally of the Ottomans.
Ibn Saud did not, however, immediately make war against Ibn Rashid, despite a steady supply of weapons and cash (£5,000 Sterling per month) supplied by the British. He argued with the British that the payment he received was insufficient to adequately wage war against an enemy as powerful as Ibn Rashid. In 1920, however, the House of Saud finally marched again against the Rashidi, extinguishing their dominion in 1922. The defeat of the Rashidis doubled the territory of the House of Saud, and British subsidies continued until 1924.
In 1925 the Sauds defeated Husayn in battle.
In 1927, following the defeat of Husayn, the British government recognized the power of the Saud family, led by Ibn Saud, over much of what is today Saudi Arabia. At this time he changed his own title from Sultan of Nejd to King of Hejaz and Nejd.
From 1927 to 1932, Ibn Saud continued to consolidate power throughout the Arabian Peninsula. In 1932, having conquered most of the Peninsula, Saud renamed the area from the lands of Nejd and Hejaz to Saudi Arabia. He then proclaimed himself King of Saudi Arabia, with the support of the British government.
Oil and the rule of Ibn Saud
Oil was discovered in Saudi Arabia in 1938, and Ibn Saud responded by granting substantial authority over Saudi oil fields to American oil companies. In the early days of the oil boom most oil revenues received by the government of Saudi Arabia were immediately directed to the coffers of the royal family. As the income from oil grew, however, Ibn Saud began to spend some revenues on improving the lives of his subjects.
Saud forced many nomadic tribes to settle down and abandon "petty wars" and vendettas. He also began to fight crime in Saudi Arabia, particularly crime against pilgrims visiting the holy cities of Mecca and Medina.
Ibn Saud positioned Saudi Arabia as neutral in World War II, but was generally considered to favor the Allies.
In 1948, Saud participated in the Arab-Israeli war. The contribution of Saudi Arabia was generally considered token.
Ibn Saud died in Taif.
Ibn Saud had 52 children (of which 37 were boys), by several different women.
See http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/biography/AlSaud.html for the names of the 52.
Here's everything that you ever wanted to know about Saudi Arabia and then some:
Saudi Arabia
Abdullah bin Abdulaziz al-Saud
Fahd bin Abdul Aziz
Faisal bin Abdul Aziz
Khalid bin Abdul Aziz
Saud bin Abdul Aziz
Blood Libel in Saudi Daily
Human Rights
Abdul Aziz bin Abdul Rahman ibn Faisal Al Saud (Ibn Saud)
House Unamiously Passes Resolution Condemning Saudi Boycott of Israel
The “Islamic Affairs Department” of the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C.
Kings of Saudi Arabia
Letter From President Roosevelt to the King of Saudi Arabia Regarding Palestine
Modern Saudi Arabia
Potential Threats To Israel: Saudi Arabia
Reagan Welcomes King Fahd of Saudi Arabia
Saud bin Abdul Aziz
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia Bans Jewish Visitors
Saudi Arabia Continues Boycott of Israel
Saudi Financial Support to the Palestinians
Saudis Providing Aid to “Martyrs”
Saudis Ban Pokemon Because of Zionist Symbol
Saudis Disseminating Hate Propaganda in U.S.
Getting Away With Murder - the Saudi Relation with the United States
by Hugh Fitzgerald
from his "66 Suitcases"
islam delenda est